Bruno Ferreira
Contact Information: bruno.malta.ferreira (at)
I have always had many intertwined interests that I enjoy cultivating.
My interest and studies of the subtler realms have led me to be a craniosacral therapist; my strong curiosity for studying the world led be to be an astrophysicist (Earth & Solar System & Universe); I am a yogi because the body is my first tool, I woke up in it and I everything I do involves it, and so I study it; and I am an educator because I love to teach! I teach what I learn, what I study and what I understand, so I teach physics, tennis, climbing, yoga, swimming, working with the craniosacral system, meditation, massage, astronomy, and I love talking about how all of these come together, how they are all the same.
I received my bachelors degree in physics from the University of Lisbon and I completed my graduate studies in astrophysics at the University of Florida in Gainesville. My doctorate in Astrophysics was awarded in 2010 and my thesis work was focused on the internal and external structures of very young stellar nurseries (baby stars are born in groups!!).
View my resume.
My studies in massage were at the Florida School of Massage, in Gainesville, from 2007 to early 2008. The Florida School of Massage is an amazing place!! During the 6 month course at the FSM I learned Swedish massage, reflexology, connective tissue massage, polarity therapy, and hydrotherapy. I followed up my bodywork studies with and awesome course in Hakomi Therapy (6-month course) through the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute and then I studied Visionary Craniosacral Work through the Milne Institute, in 2013 I became certified through the Milne Institute.
I have loved massage from a very early age. I would practice on my parents, then my friends and then, one summer, I walked beaches in Portugal offering massages to anyone who would give me a chance. That was an amazing experience where I confronted my own ego/fears/identity and got many many outright rejections intermixed with precious acceptances!
My yoga practice and study started in 1998 and I started teaching in 2002. My first studies were with a Swasthya Yoga instructor (DeRose school) in Portugal. This was a vigorous well-rounded practice incorporating all 8 limbs of yoga in each session. The teacher was both strict and fun and each session would leave me exhausted, challenged, and blissful. My first outer-body experience happened at the end of one of these classes and that was a transformative moment. Since those days I have studied and practiced Iyengar, Hatha, Vinyasa with many great teachers such as Duncan Wong, Shiva Rea, Mark Whitwell. I arrived at my personal understanding of yoga and that is what I teach; a gentle approach, a doing/non-doing mentality, infused with fun and challenge.
My current work is focused on integrating the more linear knowledge we have of the universe and of our body with the more poetic understanding of one’s spiritual path, their energetic field, and their dreambody. I bring to the healing space a perspective on the human that encompasses our origin in the stars and the archetypes that populate our dreams.
Since 2005 I have been a sponsored climbing athlete for the awesome company Evolv. For more information visit my climbing blog and climbing videos.
– Bruno Ferreira
bruno.malta.ferreira (at)
510 470 8851