


First-time craniosacral appointments are a minimum of 90 minutes.  A 90min session is $150.
1hr sessions are available for returning clients and those are $100.
I don’t stick to a particular technique such as “craniosacral”; sessions are focused on creating a relationship and rapport and then the work develops as I perceive what is going on in the body.
For more information about this modality known as craniosacral.

The Craniosacral Journey

I can give you nothing
that had not already its origins within yourself
I can throw open no
picture gallery
but your own.
I can help make your own world visible–
that is all.
– Herman Hesse

Bodywork deepens as rapport grows between the two people.  With subsequent sessions your body can deepen in trust and thus relax and open more.

Focused Bodywork Journeys:
I sometimes enjoy working with clients on a particular theme for multiple sessions; this allows us to really deepen into the extensive range of anatomy that resides in an area as well as the non-physical anatomy (energetics & stories).
Some areas of focus:

The Jaw – for whom and why: singers, TMJD, clenching, headaches, developing awareness in this area
The Neck – for whom and why: singers, athletes, posture, whiplash, headaches, TMJD, developing awareness in this area
The Heart – for whom and why: living from the heart, posture, whiplash, breath, developing awareness in this area
The Diaphragm and Abdomen – for whom and why: important for everyone, breathing expansively, releasing deeply set trauma and tension patterns

New-Born Craniosacral Work:
I love working with new-borns.  Babies have a very expressive and receptive state of Being and they have just experienced an intense journey of arrival.  Work with new-borns is subtle yet profound assisting them in clearing birth and pre-birth patterning and growing with an open Heart.

The Intimate Present

This work is very subtle work which I recommend to people who are experienced in the subtle realms (i.e. meditators, dream practitioners, artists).  This work is not focused on fixing symptoms; clients have often described this as guided meditation or as a session of meditating together.  My familiarity with meditation and with craniosacral work allows the client to go deep into the subtler realms while not losing awareness of their present state; resting in this place is extremely beneficial for the nervous system as well as for the soul.


If you need to cancel then please do so with 24hr notice.  With no-shows or cancellations with less than 24hr notice please pay the full amount of the session.

With all my clients I make myself available by email to help you throughout your process.

Visit the testimonials page to read what my clients are saying.

Email me at bruno.malta.ferreira (at) if you have any questions.

Touch is fascinating.

Bruno Ferreira
bruno.malta.ferreira (at)
510 470 8851