Dec 132011

The Heart of Craniosacral – Introduction

As my practice of bodywork and, particularly, craniosacral therapy deepened, I felt the urge to capture some of the essence of this healing work.  Practicing bodywork is navigating a raft down a river during the night; much of what is happening is unseen; the cues for where to touch, which direction to move in, how much pressure to use come in at a very subtle level.  How would it be possible to capture and show this through film?

In August of 2011 I took a step to capturing the unspoken essence of Visionary Craniosacral work (VCSW) as taught by the founder, Hugh Milne.  As a test run, I filmed while participating in one of the VCSW workshops and put together a short clip.
This is an introduction, I hope it can transmit some of the key elements involved in this work.  Key elements such as gentle touch, full presence, attention, caring as well as some mystery.

Please visit the section Craniosacral for more information and videos.

Enjoy the video:

 The Heart of Craniosacral – Video

Want to experience it? Book a session:


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